What is workplace experience and why is it important?

Learn how to create a great workplace experience that makes your employees happy and drives better business outcomes.

By Amy Kirkham

Content Marketing Manager

The era of home offices and Zoom calls from your living room is nearing an end for many-at least full time. Now, hybrid work has folks returning to the workplace in bigger numbers than ever.

Hybrid work means that today's workplace leaders have a big job on their hands: to make the office a place employees want to be again. But how?

Encouraging employees back on-site will depend on the quality of workplace experience organizations can offer. In this post, we'll cover:

What is workplace experience?

Workplace experience is a holistic approach to creating an optimal environment for employees to do their work. It is made up of three core components:

  1. Space - the physical surroundings in which employees do their work
  2. Technology - the systems and tools employees use to do their jobs
  3. People - the relationships, policies, and cultural standards that impact how work is done