Make your space work for your team

Meet the smart conference room scheduling software that frees up unused space and makes it easy to find and book the right room for the task at hand.

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Envoy Rooms





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Book a room without breaking a sweat

Use Envoy Mobile, Google Calendar, Office 365, or the display by the door to book a meeting room where and when you need it.

Discover more space

If no one checks into the room within 5 minutes of the start of the meeting, you can release it to open the space for those who need it most.

Make decisions based on data, not just instinct

Turn analytics about room usage and scheduling into insights that help you make smart decisions about health and safety, workplace design, and costs.

Since implementing Rooms, I've seen less conflict over bookings, less friction, and more employee happiness.


Workplace Experience Manager at Mixmax


Everything you need to find and book rooms

Space usage analytics

Make smarter decisions about your space with analytics on rooms usage

Check-in and end meeting

Secure your room by checking in and then free up space for others by tapping end meeting

Schedule displays

Clearly display a room’s upcoming schedule and book from right outside open rooms

Color-coded availability

Easily find an available space with green, yellow, and red indicators at each room

Privacy controls

Hide meeting names to protect sensitive meetings

Mobile booking

Find and book the nearest available room from the Envoy mobile app with location-based functionality

Slack notifications

Receive check-in notifications from Envoy directly in Slack

Admin alerts

Receive immediate alerts via email if a room ever goes offline